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2024 Annual Fund





Shana tova! Thank you for being part of Har Shalom for the upcoming year 5785. Your participation defines our community, and we are grateful for you. 

In 1975, founding families established what was then called the Fort Collins Jewish Community. Through the years our name has changed a few times, and we have welcomed hundreds of families and individuals into our shared spaces. Now we get to dream about what the next 50 years will bring. 

To move forward, we ask you to consider a yearly gift to the Annual Fund. These donations keep us sustainable from generation to generation. Use the form below or donate directly through Colorado Gives at before or on Colorado Gives day, December 10.

With a goal of 100% participation from our community, we will launch into the next 50 years of Har Shalom Center for Jewish Living on solid financial ground. We appreciate your gifts, your time, your volunteerism and most of all, your engagement with our community. We wish you health and peace. 

Donation Form

  • Facility fixes (e.g. repair sprinkler system, replace broken indoor lights, outdoor lighting)
  • Office equipment (virtual meeting equipment upgrades)
  • Identify pressing needs looking toward the next 50 years - additional classrooms, ADA compliance, sanctuary upgrades
  • Work with architects to create additional building design renderings at two lower price points

  • Evaluating, assessing and implementing new security alarm system
  • Upgrading communication systems (phones, virtual meetings and classes)
  • Implementing a cybersecurity plan with expert consultation & associated software costs
Note: Our FEMA security grants underwrite the cost of these systems, but do not underwrite the cost of implementing the systems. 
  • Grant applications to underwrite programs and services
  • Creation of volunteer engagement resources (support, communications, training, feedback and retention plans)
  • Update branding with 50th Anniversary Committee and Board input
A portion of these items may qualify as Colorado Childcare Contribution Tax Credit (5C) donations. For more information on 5C donations, please reach out to Tara Morton, Har Shalom Executive Director.  

Payment can be made by:
  • Credit Card or PayPal when submitting the form. 
  • Check to CHS (you can mail it in the postage-paid return envelope!)
  • ACH or Credit on file (you must be logged in to your CHS account to use this option)


Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785