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Registration for Har Shalom Preschool 2025-26 is open!


You can contribute to Har Shalom in many ways. Our religious school frequently holds clothing or food drives for social service agencies and nonprofits in our community. We also accept in-kind donations for needed items. Your donation of volunteer time adds to our community. If you are looking to donate a monetary gift, we have a few funds from which you can choose. However you decide to donate, thank you! Your support of our community is appreciated.

Annual Fund

Every year Har Shalom’s Board of Directors looks beyond our day-to-day operating needs to support and expand programs for our community. The Annual Fund ask runs from Yom Kippur to the end of the secular calendar year. 

Chevra Kadisha Fund

Chevra Kadisha (lit. “Holy Society”) of Northern Colorado is our community’s continuation of the ancient Jewish traditions of all things related to death and mourning. With this fund, we educate about end-of-life options, advocate and provide support before and at the time of need, and help off-set the cost of burial for individuals without funds. Read more about the Chevra Kadisha on the Lifecycle Events page.

General and Operating Donation

Donations to Har Shalom’s general fund help support our hardworking staff, the upkeep of our facilities, and Jewish programming held throughout the year. These donations are unrestricted and are used to support the greatest need. 

Memorial Plaque

If you would like to commemorate the passing of a relative or loved one on our memorial board in the sanctuary, we ask for a set donation of $360.00. These engraved nameplates include the names of the departed along with the date of death. A memorial light is lit year round to honor their passing.

Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Our Rabbi Discretionary Fund enables Rabbi Finestone to offer confidential support to members of our community as needed. Rabbi supports individuals and programs with a focus on tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

Holiday Donations

Har Shalom offers extensive holiday programming for members of our community. Participation in these programs is a benefit of membership. While we generally do not charge members to participate in any of these activities, we do appreciate donations to help offset the cost.

Program Donations

Our programs are the heartbeat of our community. You are welcome to indicate specific sub-programs you want to honor with your donation. By donating to specific programs, you help ensure we can offer services to all who need it regardless of ability to pay. Our community underwrites the cost of running the Religious School by about $13,000 every year.

Programs frequently honored include:  Israel Trips, the Library, Lifelong Learning classes, the Preschool, and the Religious School.

Scholarship Funds

  • Religious School Scholarships: We strongly support the value of educating every Jewish child in the area, regardless of financial ability. Although tuition is necessary to meet our expenses, it should not be an educational barrier. We understand that tuition fees may be difficult for some families to pay. We work with families to ensure that students who cannot afford to attend have the opportunity to do so. Help off-set this amazing opportunity with your donation. Read more about scholarships
  • Fred Kapp College Fund: The J. Fred Kapp Memorial Scholarship was established by the Sachs-Kapp family in loving memory of their husband and father. The scholarship provides recognition and financial support for a Jewish graduating senior, honoring Fred’s passion for advising high school students about their futures. Read more about scholarships
Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785