Shabbat Morning (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 9:00am - Torah Study 10:15am - Shabbat Morning Services and Bat Mitzvah of Norah Wolk. Please join us in support of Norah as she is called to the Torah.
Office News
Thank you to the generous members of our community who have already donated to the 2024 Annual Fund. Your gifts enable Har Shalom to plan for tomorrow while continuing to thrive today. We are 36% to our goal of $95,000. Please consider a gift today. Read about this year's funding needs and donate here. Thank you.
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Always check for a current list of upcoming programs and events at For more details or to register for events and classes advertised in Happenings, click on image.
Lifelong Learning
Mazels, Mitzvahs, and Mensches
Volunteers Needed for 2024 Hanukkah Market Save the Date! Har Shalom's Annual Hanukkah Market will be here on December 8th. We are looking for volunteers to help us price items, set up the market, assist shoppers, and more. If you'd like to volunteer at this year's market, please contact Tal Bloom at
Meal Train for Herman-Lindahl Family Please consider supporting the Herman-Lindahl Family with a meal in the coming weeks as Becca Herman recovers from surgery. Thank you for lending a hand to lift this wonderful family during this time. Click here to volunteer a meal or delivery.
Volunteer with Har Shalom's Tikkun Olam (Repair the World) group at the Food Share locations in Fort Collins and Loveland. Click here or above to learn more.
Wednesday, November 6 Mary Davis for Grandmother Mary Levy Ron Vaisbort for Brother Victor Vaisbort Thursday, November 7 Rick Schiller for Father Maurice Schiller Trudy Herman for Mother Ray Nalbone Virginia Riley for Mother Nancy Miller John Hanck for Brother Mathias William Hanck Monday, November 11 Smadar Lapidot for Aunt Leah Lapidot Tuesday, November 12 Hedy Berman for Father Morton Speicher Peter Dratch for Father Joseph Dratch Rory Martin for Grandfather Lawrence McCoyle
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.