Friday Evening (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 5:30pm Shabbat Jr. and used book exchange celebrating National Jewish Book Month (Register here) 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat led by members of JAN (Jewish Action Network)
Torah Portion: Genesis 18:1-22:24 Haftarah: II Kings 4:1-37 Haftarah Sephardim: II Kings 4:1-23 Parashat Vayera
Shabbat Morning (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 9:00am - Torah Study 10:15am - Shabbat Morning Services led by the students of Kitah Hay (Har Shalom Religious School 6th graders). Please join us in support of our wonderful students!
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Always check for a current list of upcoming programs and events at For more details or to register for events and classes advertised in Happenings, click on image.
Lifelong Learning
Mazels, Mitzvahs, and Mensches
We are grateful to the following members and friends of Har Shalom for their generous donations:
Sergio & Esther Kerbis to the Chevra Kadisha in memory of parents Rubin Kerbis, Rebecca Kerbis, Zeilig Butnaru, and Pepi Butnaru
Aaron Bobick to the Annual Fund in honor of granddaughter Sophie Marie Thompson
Trudy Herman to the General & Operating Fund in memory of Sam and Ray Nalbone's yahrzeits
Miriam Braunstein to the Annual Fund in memory of father David Braunstein
Esther Kerbis to the Rabbi Discretionary Fund in memory of father Zigu Butnaru
Janet Strote to the Adult Education Fund in memory of Josephine Elaine Jackson, beloved aunt of Janet and Ron Strote and "great" aunt of the Strote family
The Shtulman family for donating a box full of PJ Library and PJ Our Way books to the Children's Library
Peter and Kathy Dratch for donating the book "Jewish Mothers: Strength, Wisdom, Compassion" by Paula Ethel Wolfson to the adult library
Michelle Gliszinski for donating a PJ Library book to the Children's Library
Seleste Finch and family for donating a bag full of PJ Library books to the children's library
Meal Train for Rory and Mia Martin Please help us support Rory and Mia Martin with a home cooked or delivered meal while Rory recovers from surgery. Click here to sign up. Todah rabah - thank you!
Volunteer with Har Shalom's Tikkun Olam (Repair the World) group at the Food Share locations in Fort Collins and Loveland. Click here or above to learn more.
Wednesday, November 13 Elaine Atlas for Father Fred Mitnick Sonia ImMasche for Sister-in-Law Ann Eversole Thursday, November 14 Ayala Nevo for Friend Melanie Tiahart Judith Jaffe for Father Charles Elliott Judy Petersen for Uncle Leroy Stacel Mona Schatz for Mother Josephine Schatz Sandee Hyde for Father Jack Sharcoff Robert Baum for Mother Hilda Baum Sunday, November 17 Allison De Vries for Grandmother Alice Hettinga Beth Hammer for Father Alvin Hammer Janet Strote for Aunt Josephine Jackson Monday, November 18 Michael Gitter for Mother Evelyn Gitter Rick Schiller for Mother Marjory Schiller Tuesday, November 19 Lindsay Blank for Grandfather Morris Blank
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.