Har Shalom Office Closures The Har Shalom office is closed the weeks of December 23rd and December 30th, reopening the week of January 6th. Please continue to check Happenings for information about events and services taking place during this time.
The 2024 Annual Fund will close on December 31st. If you have not yet contributed to this year's fund and are able to donate, please click here to add your gift today. Har Shalom remains a sustainable community with the help of its members and friends. Please join us in reaching our goal.
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Always check for a current list of upcoming programs and events at nocoharshalom.org/upcoming-events. For more details or to register for events and classes advertised in Happenings, click on image.
Lifelong Learning
Mazels, Mitzvahs, and Mensches
New opportunities for January and February have been added! Sign up for a two-hour shift and help us repair the world in 2025.
Around the Community
Chanukah Wonderland at Foothills Mall Sunday, Dec 29 | 11:00am-2:00pm | Foothills Mall Venture through a Chanukah Wonderland, featuring a menorah display, children's crafts, a storybook reading, live music, latkes and more.
Old Town Square Menorah Lighting Ceremony Sunday, Dec 29 | 5:00pm | Old Town Square, Fort Collins Head to Old Town for its longstanding menorah lighting ceremony in the Square, hosted by Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik.
Wednesday, December 25 Nancy Hanck and John Hanck for Mother Charlotte Golden Jill Hanck and Laurel Hanck Saliman for Grandmother Charlotte Golden Robert Baum for Father Samuel Baum Les Rudner for Mother Charlotte Rudner Thusday, December 26 Karri Cain for Father Bill Scott Friday, December 27 Lew Wymisner for Father Harold Wymisner Sunday, December 29 Yvonne Perches for Friend Guzide "Nene" Ozkan Monday, December 30 Michael Aronow for Father Stanley Aronow Nina Rubin for Father Sherwin Rubin Tuesday, December 31 Elaine Atlas for Husband Kenneth Atlas
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at connect@nocoharshalom.org. The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.