Torah Portion: Exodus 10:1-13:16 Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28 Parashat Bo
Shabbat Morning (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 9:00am - Torah Study 10:15am - Shabbat Morning Services led by the 4th and 5th grade students of Har Shalom Religious School. Please join our students in support as they lead our community in prayer.
From The Office
Please note the Har Shalom office will close at 12:00pm this Friday, January 31.
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Upcoming events are always listed online: Click on each image for details and registration information.
J. Fred Kapp Memorial Scholarship – Deadline March 23 Are you a graduating high-school senior with plans to continue your education? Consider applying for the J. Fred Kapp Memorial Scholarship. Established by the Sachs-Kapp family in loving memory of their husband and father, the scholarship provides recognition and financial support for a Jewish graduating senior in northern Colorado. Learn more and apply here.
Looking for a way to give back this winter? Click on the images above for opportunities to volunteer with the Tikkun Olam and/or Refugee Support Groups of Har Shalom. Let's repair the world in 2025.
Keshet Corner
How To Support the LGBTQIA+ Community by Becca Herman, Keshet Pride Co-Chair It is a dark time for the LGBTQIA+ community. We are scared. We are anxious. Some us are wrestling with feelings of shock and resignation and betrayal. In times like these, the Jewish community (especially at Har Shalom) is often the first to ask - what can we do? Through our commitment to tikkun olam, we want to contribute, to give of ourselves, to repair harm, to prevent harm. It can feel overwhelming and, for those of us who are not part of, or not close to the LGBTQIA+ community, we may not know where to start. Please read on for some ideas.
Around Northern Colorado
In 2025, Har Shalom strives to connect with our broader northern Colorado community for education, support and action. Look for a monthly addition to Happenings that will feature a non-profit organization you can learn more about, choose to support, or with whom to volunteer. To add an organization deserving of a highlight, please send information to Tal Bloom at
Non-Profit of the Month: ISAAC Interfaith Solidarity & Accompaniment Coalition ISAAC is dedicated to deliberately and joyfully co-creating a society in which all community members feel a sense of belonging, are empowered and connected, and can thrive to maximum potential. All the work of ISAAC is carried out FOR the community, BY the community, with LOVE that transforms community. Learn more and get involved here.
PJ Library Get Together Grant for Families PJ Library is offering $100 grants to families who would like to host a get together for friends now through June 2025! PJ Library's Get Together program helps you host your friends for low-prep Jewish-themed gatherings. Learn more apply here.
Wednesday, January 29 B'Hira Emlia Alford for Father Leo Burris Thursday, January 30 Steve Juvelier for Father Irving Juvelier Friday, January 31 Bernice Lieberman for Father Benjamin Davis Braun Deborah Lieberman for Grandfather Benjamin Davis Braun Bernie Birnbaum for Grandmother Diana Edelstein Birnbaum Morrison David Kaplan for Mother Seema Kaplan Neil Sherrod for Father John Sherrod Shabbat, February 1 John and Nancy Hanck for Friend G. William Beardslee
Sunday, February 2 Barbara Rutstein for Mother Sue Sims Kathy Dratch for Mother Joyce Benson Monday, February 3 Samuel Bachar for Mother Zelda Bachar Tuesday, February 4 Mary Davis for Grandfather Harry Levy
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.