Shabbat Morning (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 9:00am - Torah Study 10:15am - Shabbat Morning Services. Please join Nancy and John Hanck for a special oneg following services in honor of Nancy's mother, Charlotte Golden, on her yahrzeit.
Office News
Save the Date: March 7 - 9, 2025 Meet Visiting Applicant Rabbi Gruenwald Rabbi Salomon Gruenwald and family will visit Har Shalom to meet with our community March 7 - 9. Please plan to join for Shabbat Jr., Kabbalat Shabbat, Torah Study, Shabbat morning services and more. Your feedback will be much appreciated by the Search Committee. More details to come.
Har Shalom Preschool (HSPK) 2025-2026 School Year Registration Open Spread the word! Har Shalom's top-rated Montessori-inspired preschool is now open for registrations for the next school year. Explore HSPK here.
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Upcoming events are always listed online: Click on each image for details and registration information.
Please help us lift up two Har Shalom community members with a warm meal and a kind word. Click here to support Rachel Cunning while she recovers from surgery. Click here to support the Levy Family as they mourn the loss of a loved one and battle multiple family health issues. We are all stronger together. Thank you.
Looking for a way to give back this winter? Click on the images above for opportunities to volunteer with the Tikkun Olam and/or Refugee Support Groups of Har Shalom. Let's repair the world in 2025.
Library News
Stop by the library bookcase in the lobby for a collection of stories celebrating nature and Tu B'Shevat! This selection will be available the remainder of February.
Larimer Choral Society: "Annelies" February 23 | 4:00pm | CSU Griffin Concert Hall The Larimer Choral Society, a local nonprofit, will perform Annelies, a breathtaking and poignant choral work inspired by the Diary of Anne Frank. Composer James Whitbourn has created a concert piece for soprano solo, chorus, and quartet inspired by Annelies (Anne) Frank's famous diary. Click here for tickets and information.
Wednesday, February 12 Linda Sherrod for Mother Jane Wolfe Thursday, February 13 Barbara Benn for Father Roy Bolton Sr. Jaclyn Borock for Mother Sylvia Borock Merav Tsubely for Brother Nimrod Tsubely Friday, February 14 Bob Lenk for Father Walter Lenk Shabbat, February 15 Janet Strote for Grandmother Harriett Solomon Jackson Jason Radman for Father Joel Radman
Tuesday, February 18 Debra Duffy for Mother-in-law Audre Duffy Julia, Marissa, and Sarina Duffy for Grandmother Audre Duffy Elaine Atlas for Mother-in-law Edith Atlas H.J. Siegel for Mother Phyllis Siegel
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.