Friday Evening (In Person) 6:30pm Potluck Dinner & Kabbalat Shabbat Service with CSU Hillel. Register here. This will take the place of regular Friday evening services. Please join us.
Torah Portion: Exodus 25:1-27:19 Haftarah: II Kings 12:1-17 Haftarah Sephardim: II Kings 11:17-12:17 Parashat Terumah
Shabbat Morning (Hybrid) Zoom: 970 223 5191 9:00am - Torah Study 10:15am - Shabbat Morning Services led by the Har Shalom Religious School students of kitah bet (2nd grade) and gimel (3rd grade). Communty potluck to follow. Please join us in supporting these amazing students!
Office News
Please click here to register for Shabbat Jr. and click here to add an item for our community luncheon following Shabbat morning services.
Upcoming Programs, Events, and Services
Upcoming events are always listed online: Click on each image for details and registration information.
Stand With Us: Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship The StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship is a year-long, college accredited program for student leaders in 11th and 12th grade who want to proactively and positively impact their local schools and communities. Leventhal Interns learn about Israel, how to effectively combat antisemitism, and cultivate leadership skills through personalized mentorship. These student leaders bring education to their peers through interactive and creative initiatives and programs. Leventhal Interns travel to Los Angeles for two leadership conferences throughout the school year. They hear from world renowned speakers, build relationships with other student leaders, and train with StandWithUs staff members. Click here to learn more and apply.
Wednesday, February 26 Hedy Berman for Cousin Norman Becker Pat Siegal for Sister Merle Rosenthal Susan Schaibly for Aunt Merle Rosenthal Thursday, February 27 Batyah Hammer for Brother Siri Ved Singh Khalsa Tara and Mathew Morton for Friend of Genaro Keehn Friday, February 28 Deborah Singer for Mother Marian Pava William Shachtman for Father Joseph Morris Shachtman MD Shabbat, March 1 Orly Penny for Father Amnon Shamosh
Sunday, March 2 Allison DeVries for Grandmother Evelyn De Vries Batyah Hammer and Ginny Riley for friend Joann Grosswiler Yvonne Perches for Friend John Albright Monday, March 3 Mitchell Delcau for Father Dennis Delcau Terrence Barrett for Father Joseph Barrett
Tuesday, March 4 Rabbi Sally Finestone for Father-in-Law Zev Heilman
To submit information for the next edition of Happenings, please email Tal Bloom at The submission deadline is Sunday at 8pm.
Har Shalom Fall Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 12:00pm (when religious school is in session) Other times by appointment.