HSRS Announcements (Hodaahot הוֹדָוֹת)
Furniture Assembly Help
Our new furniture is expected on Tuesday. I'm looking for some parents who can help put the tables together (I believe drilling legs into the table). If you are available WEDNESDAY from 6-7:30pm, please respond to this email. There is a bit of urgency as we are dealing with 15 boxes/900 pounds of product that need to be in place before Rosh Hashanah!
Volunteering Need
Are you able to lend a bit of time to supervise or lead an activity for the children during Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur? Nicki will be with you and all materials and instructions provided! Sign up here
Construction on Drake Road
Heads up!! There is road construction occuring on Drake over the next few weeks. The schedule is below, may change due to the weather.
The eastbound lanes of Drake will be closed the week of September 11. During this time:
- You will not be able to access Har Shalom coming east from Shields. You will be able to make a left turn from westbound Drake into the Har Shalom parking lot.
- You will be able to leave Har Shalom by turning out of the parking lot and then turning right on Meadowlark. You will not be able to continue east on Drake beyond Meadowlark.
- You will not be blocked from leaving but may be delayed a few minutes depending on the timing.
- Each day, work will begin on the west end (Shields) and move east.
The westbound lanes will be closed starting September 18 through September 26. (lanes will be open over the weekend Sept 23 & 24) During this time:
- You will only have access to Har Shalom traveling east from Shields.
- Leaving will not be an issue except for turning left onto Research.
Room ParentsWe are looking for room parents for 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. The task is to plan a few social events for the class (and their families) and help coordinate/set up/clean up for the oneg at grade level Shabbat Services. Please respond if you are interested!
TzedakahWe encourage students to bring tzedakah each class session. It's a great habit to start at a young age. All money collected is used for a mitzvah of the grade level's choice.
AttendanceIf your student is going to be absent or late to class, please let us know. It's important for planning the day's activities, plus we can accurately order pizza on Wednesday evenings.
Message from Jaxson Rosenberg for his Bar Mitzvah ProjectAs winter is approaching, please help me collect crucial items for those in need. For my mitzvah project, I want to help our community's vulnerable homeless population. Tikkun Olam, to repair the world, is our our responsibility. All items may be gently used unless otherwise specified. Please bring items to Har Shalom
Items Needed:
Winter hats, gloves, mittens (child/teen/adult sizes small - 2x large)
Winter coats (child/teen/adult sizes small - 2x large)
Women's underwear (all sizes), men's boxer briefs (med-large) - NEW in package
Thick socks for all ages - NEW in package
Sunscreen and insect repellant - NEW
Laundry soap and dryer sheets - NEW
Travel or family-sized hygiene products - NEW
Toothbrushes and razors - NEW
Food items (granola bars, individually-wrapped snacks, cup-o-noodles, mac and cheese cups, oatmeal, hot chocolate packets, tuna packets, nut butter packets, other shelf-stable protein)