HSRS Announcements (Hodaahot הוֹדָוֹת)
Builders needed!Are you available to lend a helping hand Wednesday evening, September 27? We are building the sukkah at 5:30pm, followed by the religious school tables. If you can come, we would love the help! Not sure what the tables need for assembly, so I suggest bringing a drill.
Service attendance and recordings of blessingsOne of the best ways to feel confident and prepared for leading Saturday morning services/bar or bat mitzvah is by watching others lead. It is suggested that our Kinder/1st graders attend 1 service over the course of the year, 2nd grade attends 2 services, 3rd grade attends 3 services, and so on. These can be attended virtually, at other synagogues, at a classmate's bar/bat mitzvah, at one of our grade level Shabbats, etc.
Needing to practice one of the prayers? Take a listen using this
TzedakahWe encourage students to bring tzedakah each class session. It's a great habit to start at a young age. All money collected is used for a mitzvah of the grade level's choice.
AttendanceIf your student is going to be absent or late to class, please let us know. It's important for planning the day's activities, plus we can accurately order pizza on Wednesday evenings.
Message from Jaxson Rosenberg for his Bar Mitzvah ProjectAs winter is approaching, please help me collect crucial items for those in need. For my mitzvah project, I want to help our community's vulnerable homeless population. Tikkun Olam, to repair the world, is our our responsibility. All items may be gently used unless otherwise specified. Please bring items to Har Shalom
Items Needed:
Winter hats, gloves, mittens (child/teen/adult sizes small - 2x large)
Winter coats (child/teen/adult sizes small - 2x large)
Women's underwear (all sizes), men's boxer briefs (med-large) - NEW in package
Thick socks for all ages - NEW in package
Sunscreen and insect repellant - NEW
Laundry soap and dryer sheets - NEW
Travel or family-sized hygiene products - NEW
Toothbrushes and razors - NEW
Food items (granola bars, individually-wrapped snacks, cup-o-noodles, mac and cheese cups, oatmeal, hot chocolate packets, tuna packets, nut butter packets, other shelf-stable protein)