HSRS Announcements (Hodaahot הוֹדָוֹת) New Information On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, our students crave breaktime. Most sessions, we do go outside. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather; bringing coats, hats, gloves, etc.
Previous Information Sent! VOLUNTEER AND SUBSTITUTE TEACHER NEEDS We have some current needs for volunteers as well as to expand our substitute teacher list. Take a look at the SIGN UP GENIUS and see if there are any ways for you to help!
SERVICE ATTENDANCE The next few months is the perfect time for your student to meet their service attendance requirement. As a reminder, Kindergarten and 1st grade students are encouraged to attend 1 service; 2nd grade attends 2 services; 3rd grade attends 3 services and so on. Attending grade level services, zoom services, bar/bat mitzvahs out of town all can count toward this goal. TZEDAKAH! Prior to spring break, each class will be designing mitzvah projects. All the money collected through weekly tzedakah contributions will be used for the project. This is a great way to be a mensch and a wonderful habit to form at a young age!
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
February 23- Shabbat Jr at 5:30pm, oneg to follow February 24- 2nd/3rd grade Saturday Morning Shabbat Service February 25- NO SCHOOL FOR 2ND and 3RD GRADES February 25- Beresheet Day 5 at 10:30am February 28- BBYO Mtg from 6:30-7:30pm March 6- Teen Baking Event for Purim from 5:30-7:30pm March 10-17- NO HSRS for SPRING BREAK March 22- Shabbat Jr at 5:30pm, oneg to follow March 24- Purim celebrated during HSRS, costumes encouraged March 30- 6th Havdalah from 5:30-7:30pm (NOTE THE GRADE CHANGE) March 31- NO SCHOOL FOR 6TH GRADE (NOTE THE GRADE CHANGE) March 31- Beresheet Day 6 at 10:30am
BBYO & Teens Teen of the Week! A giant shout out to the madrichim of the 2nd and 3rd grades. They have volunteered to Hold the Torah, read Torah, and support the students during this Saturday's Shabbat Service. TODAH!
Synagogue & Community News
From Our Teachers
Beresheet (Preschool) Looking forward to Day 5 of creation on February 25!
Kitah Gan (Kindergarten) Sunday from Morah JoJo- Hey Everyone! We started with the highly anticipated Shuk, and oh-boy did the kids have Shekels to spend. After getting back to the classroom, we did Aleph-Bet Yoga, the class had amazing balance and focused on the shekel prize. After that we practiced writing אבא and אמא several times, working on our penmanship and getting used to the idea of vowel symbols. We then moved on to our Hebrew books, practicing previous letters and adding one more for the week. After a quick snack and outside time, we went back to the classroom to finish writing our Hebrew letters. Then we went off to the kitchen to test our culinary skills. The kids all made Pita bread with a special sauce made with cilantro (shug). Finally, we went back to the classroom for our Chai lesson. Sunday was a little twist on Valentines Day, we talked about honoring our elders and appreciating special people in our lives, Hiddur Pnei Zaken. Everyone named someone special in their life and how that person helps them in their day-to-day activities. We learned about the Jewish value of honoring our elders, we learned that older people have wonderful experiences, stories, and wisdom to share with us and that we have energy and kindness to share with them. One way to share kindness with our elders was through thank you cards and handmade gifts. The kids made paper flowers for their special elder and wrote a nice card to let them know how much they appreciate them in their lives. Everyone did fantastic, see you all next week.
Kitah Alef (First Grade) Sunday from Morah Laura- We had a busy day and I hope everyone has a wonderful week. We began by getting to know each other a little bit better, and then learned about G’milut Chasadim. First we discussed our favorite superhero’s and their characteristics. Then we brainstormed heroes in Judaism and our own lives. We also learned the difference between tzedakah and doing acts of kindness. We read a wonderful story about a little girl who helps a deaf woman and her baby. The challenge for the week is to do 3 acts of kindness.After a break and snack, we danced to the Aleph-Bet song and “That’s What you do When You’re a Jew.” Students spent their well earned shekels at the shuk and we headed back to do our learning centers.
Put the Hebrew letter cards in order and if time allows, match pictures with the same beginning sound. The students repeatedly sang the song and each group was successful.
Learn about the Hebrew letter Chet.
A word search about G’milut Chasadim.
Kitah Bet (Second Grade) Sunday from Morah Anne- Hi All! Another week has passed in the blink of an eye! After Shira, we started our morning shopping at the shuk and spending our hard earned shekels! We talked briefly about our Saturday service before having our break. It was a cooking day and we tried our hand at homemade pitas and a cilantro dip called zhug. Everything was surprisingly good! After cooking we had a dress rehearsal of Saturday service before wrapping up our morning. I am very excited to have our students presenting at service on Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing you then!
Grades 3-7: Tu B'Av Learning from Wednesday, February 14 We spent part of the evening comparing Valentine's Day to Tu B'Av. Ask you student something the same/different about these two holidays. After doing some learning with Rabbi Finestone, we made Tu B'Av cards and feasted on chocolate fondue.
Kitah Gimmel (Third Grade)- Wednesday from Morah Robin- After Tefillah, we continued our Hebrew learning with lesson 10 in our Hebrew workbooks. We then took a short break outside. The rest of the evening was spent in the sanctuary learning about the difference between Valentines Day and Tu B’av.
Sunday from Morah Robin- Sunday morning Kitah Gimmel had a lot going on. This coming Saturday, February 24, Kitah Gimmel and Kitah Bet will be conducting the morning service. So, first order of business was to practice our D’var portion of the service. The students will be doing short skits that highlight the Hebrew they have learned thus far this year. Next we had cooking with Shoshanna. Following from our Yemenite Israeli discussion from last week with Judy, we made Yemenite pita and zhug. Delicious! After a short snack break in class, the students then had Shuk. This is where they get to spend their hard earned shekles (from great behavior) on cool toys and knickknacks. Next we met with Nicki in the sanctuary so all the students could practice their parts for Saturday’s morning service. We concluded the morning with rehearsing our D’var skits once again.
Kitah Dalet (Fourth Grade) Wednesday from Morah Merav and Morah Sophie- We had such a fun evening at Har Shalom celebrating Valentine’s Day and TuBeAv with fun activities and chocolate Fondue! The whole class was together for Hebrew class. We had fun reading our word wall and speaking in Hebrew. Some students are even being challenged with speaking full sentences in Hebrew.
Sunday from Morah Merav- Sunday In Hebrew class we began reading a story about משפחה (family), we learned a few new words and took turns reading together in Hebrew. We also colored a connect the dots Aleph Bet page. We had cooking in the Har Shalom kitchen. We made our own pita bread and ‘Schug’. This was a great continuation of our story time lesson on Yemen. The students got to spend their earned shekels and shop at the Har Shalom ‘Shuk’. It was a full day at HSRS. Thank you for sharing your kids with us!
Sunday from Morah Kyla, subbing for Morah Sophie- Kita Dalet had a fun and busy day! We started with a unique shira time and sang songs from Debbie Friedman, the Maccabeats, and Matisyahu. We learned about Operation Solomon when Israel brought in 37 planes to evacuate 14,000 Jews to Israel in 1991. We got to cook with Shoshanna and make homemade pita break and skug, it was a delicious snack. The students got to work on their own tribes which will be presented at their Shabbat service.
Kitah Hay (Fifth Grade) Wednesday from Morah Lauren- Wednesday started with Teffilah Josh who helps tutor now as well. We also learned about Joshua leading the people into the promised land. We talked about the 10 commandments too this week.
Sunday from Morah Lauren- Kitah Hay had a great week. Sunday morning, we went to the shuk. There will be one more in the spring. We started learning V’ahafta vocabulary. Students wrote sentences and drew pictures of their sentences.
Kitah Vav (Sixth Grade) Wednesday from Morah Becky, subbing for Morah Leah- It was a pleasure working with Kitah Vav on Wednesday. During our short classroom time the students worked on Hebrew at their individual levels, many of them working on mastering prayers. We also counted everyone's shekels in preparation for the shuk on sunday. They played a rousing game of Jewish Apples to Apples during break time. Sunday from Morah Leah- After Shira, the class went straight into their Hebrew language studies which we continued after our break with some volwel review. We needed the day with the Jewish value of Bikkor Chulim - visiting the sick. We learned that you just don't show up announced, nor do you wish someone a get well - as they may not. Your student crafted two cards, one for Rabbi Finestone who is under the weather, and a second Cardz for Kidz (https://www.cardzforkidz.org/create-cards). These will be mailed out this week. I am so proud of the good work your student is achieving. Todah Raba (thank you) and Shavua Tov (A good week) to you all.
Kitah Zayin (Seventh Grade) Wednesday from Rabbi Finestone- Since this evening was dedicated to learning about Tu B'Av, the ancient Jewish day of love, we watched videos of the six most popular love songs in Israel today. One was sung during a wedding, so we talked about Jewish wedding customs. The students then joined the rest of the school for a special program about the Jewish day of love, Tu B'Av (which takes place in the middle of August, and dates back to the time of the Temple.)
Sunday from Morah Michelle- Kitah Zayin spent the morning researching a variety of different Israeli charities. Kids learned about charities that help animals, children, those with mental health issues, and breast cancer patients. After the kids presented the info they learned to the class, we voted and the charity the kids chose to send all proceedings from the Hospitality Dinner to is the Lemonade Fund. The Lemonade Fund awards grants to help cover non-medical expenses for Israeli breast cancer patients who are in financial crisis. Difficult treatment, coupled with income loss, means many patients can’t pay basic living expenses because they can’t work. We work with social workers and hospital staff to identify and screen applicants using a detailed point system based on financial need. To learn more visit: https://lemonadefund.org/ We then went to the shuk where students got to spend their hard-earned shekels. Finally, we ended the day by walking to Starbucks and enjoying some hot and cold beverages. It was a fun day!!
From Our Specials
News from the Sifriyah (Library) February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion month. Books in the foyer check out are on this theme.
Please return library books! There are a number of library books that have been checked out since September (and even last year!) that have not been returned yet. Please check around and see if you have any. I will also be sending out email reminders when I get the chance, but I am running way behind, so please help me out by taking a look around your house. Thank you!!
News from Shira Todah to Morah Leah for leading Shira today. She shared songs from various artists that exemplify Jewish Values.
News from Tefillah We have continued the Aleinu. The students have been patient and hardworking!
News from the Kitchen A fabulous morning with Morah Shoshanna as they made homemade pita and zhug to expand our learning about Yemenite Jews. A lot of brave students willing to try this new, and slightly spicy, condiment.