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Registration for Har Shalom Preschool 2025-26 is open!

2025 Shalach Manot & Hamentaschen Baking

Continuing with our Har Shalom tradition, every congregant, preschool family, and religious school family will receive a gift bag of treats, or shalach manot, at their home, delivered by a community volunteer. This cherished tradition, rooted in ancient practices, symbolizes the importance of community and kinship during this festive time.

As our community has grown and the cost of ingredients continues to increase, we are grateful for your donations to offset the cost of baking and other shalach manot items. For this year to be successful, please fill out the Purim form (at the bottom of this page) to donate or to volunteer your time as a hamentaschen baker, package assembler, or delivery driver. If you will not be in town when boxes are delivered, please email to let us know. Your Purim treats will be available for pickup at Har Shalom when you return. 


As our Har Shalom family grows, we are grateful for your donations to offset the costs of this annual community project. Each shalach manot package costs $8-10 to produce. For this year to be successful, please consider a donation in any amount that is meaningful to you. Click here to donate today!


Community Baking Parties:

  • Monday, February 17: Family-Focused Bake Day at Har Shalom | 10:00am
  • Saturday, February 22: Adult-Focused BYOB Bake Day at Har Shalom | 6:30pm

Assembly & Delivery: 

  • Saturday, March 8 at 3:00pm: Assemble shalach manot, pack hamentaschen and other treats. 
  • Sunday, March 9: Pick up bags and delivery list (with names and addresses) from Har Shalom between 9:00am and 12:00pm. Plan on 60-90 minutes of delivery time. Your list of homes will be fairly close together. This is a great family activity and a wonderful way to meet your Har Shalom community! Delivery driver slots are full.

Purim Bake Day & Shalach Manot Delivery Volunteer Form

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are needed to help with baking sessions, to assemble packages for delivery on March 8 or to deliver packages on March 9. Please indicate your interest below. 


Donations to the Purim Project help offset costs. A typical donation amount is from $18 - $118, but we appreciate donations of any amount.

Thank you for your donation!  You will receive a confirmation email with payment options after this form is submitted.


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785